Community Guidelines

  1. You are required to read and sign the waiver before joining your first practice.

  2. You are required to keep your video on the entire practice, but it is okay if it is not facing you.

  3. Please refrain from using any language regarding numbers, weight, body size, specific foods, diets, exercise routines, etc. so we can keep this a safe space!

  4. Please show up on time or a few minutes early.

  5. Please show up with a yoga mat to practice on. It is optional to have a yoga block with you, but our instructors will incorporate poses with a yoga block to give you more options.

  6. Please be kind to your peers, so that everyone feels welcome!

  7. It is okay to struggle or feel overwhelmed. If something comes up during this group, or you need additional support, please contact your treatment team, or any of these additional resources:

    -Behavioral Health Response, (314) 469-6644 or (800) 811-4760,, Free & Available 24/7

    -Suicide Prevention Lifeline, (800) 273-8255 or chat online:

    -Call 911 or head to the nearest emergency room

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.