Keeping yoga in your life at all stages of recovery.

Yoga and recovery don’t have to be separate.

Our culture has made yoga a challenging place to exist, while suffering from an eating disorder or body image distress. Sometimes it can be challenging to find yoga that is not about changing one’s body. It doesn’t have to be this way. At Living Life Yoga, we believe that yoga and recovery can coexist. We offer guidance for poses and stretches, but offer a nonjudgmental space for every person to choose what best suits their body in the moment and their individual needs. We honor that yoga can be a place of healing and celebrate how it can demonstrate the amazing things our bodies can do.

A different approach

Depending on your needs, Living Life Yoga offers live virtual yoga practices, private lesson practices geared towards your individual needs, and free consultations to see if this is the right fit for you. Living Life Yoga serves the community in an outpatient setting, but also offer options for treatment centers at higher levels of care and can book for any eating disorder treatment events.

Our rates

1 Eating Disorder Informed Yoga Practice

One Eating Disorder Informed Yoga Practice. You can sign up for as many as you would like one at a time.

60 mins | $20 | Get started

5 Eating Disorder Informed Yoga Practices

5 Eating Disorder Informed Yoga Practice. You can sign up for 5 practices at once for a lower price.

5 60min practices | $75 | Get started

Private session

Private practice session where you can customize your practice to suit your own specific needs!

60 mins | $100 | Get started

Consultation session

Reach out for a free consultation where you can ask any questions or inquire about your own individual yoga needs.

15 mins | $0 | Get started

You don’t have to incorporate movement alone.